National Human Trafficking Hotline
The National Human Trafficking Hotline connects victims and survivors of sex and labor trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. The Trafficking Hotline also receives tips about potential situations of sex and labor trafficking and facilitates reporting that information to the appropriate authorities in certain cases.
Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force
The Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force is co-chaired by the Anaheim Police Department and Waymakers. The lead agencies for the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force also include the California Highway Patrol, Irvine Police Department, Santa Ana Police Department, Orange County District Attorney’s Office, Orange County Probation Department, Orange County Social Services Agency, The Salvation Army, U.S. Attorney’s Office, and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Waymakers offers individuals, families and communities the steadiest, surest, safest pathways to promising outcomes. To clients, Waymakers is the stable home they never had. Their voice when they’re too fragile to speak. Their alternative to the juvenile justice system. Their path away from gang life, substance abuse and other destructive behavior. And their counseling support at a time of greatest need. Waymakers is their advocate, ally, voice of reason and mentor – the one who walks with them on the razor’s edge. The people of Waymakers are committed to supporting clients on their journeys and fostering lasting change and positive impact throughout Orange County.
L.A. Regional Human Trafficking Task Force
Mission is to increase early identification of victims of all forms of human trafficking within Los Angeles County, to strengthen investigation and prosecution of labor and sex trafficking cases in Los Angeles County, and to address the individualized needs of trafficking victims through provision of comprehensive services.
Ventura County Human Trafficking Task Force
This task force belongs to a coalition of local agencies and organizations partnering to prevent, prosecute, properly identify victims, and provide victim services to combat the issue of trafficking locally.
DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking
The mission of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Center for Countering Human Trafficking (CCHT) is to advance counter human trafficking law enforcement operations, protect victims, and enhance prevention efforts by aligning DHS’ capabilities and expertise. Blue Campaign works closely with DHS Components to develop general awareness trainings, as well as specific educational resources to help reduce victimization within vulnerable populations.
One of the largest organizations in the world that is solely fighting human trafficking. At a local, domestic, and international level. All over the world, we are not just responding to trafficking that is already taking place, but we are actively working on the front lines to prevent it from happening to begin with.
Since 2007, Polaris has operated the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline, which provides 24/7 support and a variety of options for survivors of human trafficking to get connected to help and stay safe. Through a network of nearly 4,000 partner service providers, trained hotline advocates take tips of suspected human trafficking from community members and help survivors build plans so they can safely leave their situations or get the help they need to rebuild their lives. The Trafficking Hotline can communicate via phone in more than 200 languages, as well as text, webchat, email, and webform in English and Spanish.
Ending Human Trafficking
The Global Center for Women and Justice launched the Ending Human Trafficking podcast in April 2011 and it has passed the 160 podcast milestone as of January 2018. Our mantra is Study the Issues. Be a voice. Make a difference. We believe that if you do not study first, you may say or do the wrong thing. The National Family and Youth Services
Click Here to obtain our free e-book about Human Trafficking and see Dr. Sandie Morgan’s podcasts.
Salvation Army
We provide ongoing support and services to those who have survived trafficking through our victim assistance programs. Along with the immediate needs of shelter, transportation, food, and clothing, we address physical and psychological trauma through a variety of services